How do I upload a new CSV file?
To upload a new CSV file to a CryptFolio account, follow these four steps:
1. Create a new Fixed Amount account (you can also add any other type of non-automatic account)
2. In the Configure page for that portfolio, open the account page by clicking Import transactions.
3. Click on the Import Transactions button to upload a new file.
4. Select the CSV file to upload, and click Upload Transactions.
If your uploaded CSV fails to import, it may be because we haven't yet implemented support for that CSV file – please let us know so we can add it.
Can anyone ever access my funds?
Not through CryptFolio.
Because the only data that you provide to CryptFolio are public addresses, and read-only APIs, it should not be possible for anyone to perform any trade or transaction with any of your currencies - as long as your account providers maintain their security as well.
For more information, check out our Security Policies.
Profit/Loss chart
This line chart displays the historical value of your portfolio in a given currency, over a given period, compared to the initial converted value of your portfolio in that currency.
The resolution of this chart is daily.
This chart does not consider activities such as withdrawals or deposits when calculating the profit/loss ratio. This functionality will be supported in the future.
If you are looking for the actual converted value of your portfolio, consider the Converted Value chart.
For each account, address and offset in your portfolio, the balances, history and transactions are summed up for each currency, and converted
User data provided in migration export files
If you have chosen to request a copy of your old.cryptfolio.com user data, you will receive a .zip file with all of your account information.
This includes ALL of your addresses, accounts, offsets, notifications, keys, secrets, and all of the historical balances we had downloaded for the account. Each table is provided as a CSV file, allowing you to open it up in software such as Excel. With a bit of manipulation, you can import this data into your own openclerk instance, if you have chosen not to continue using CryptFolio.
We cannot provide general support for integrating this information
How balances are calculated
For each of your portfolios, CryptFolio provides you with a balance and inventory view of all of your currencies.
For each of the reporting currencies and non-zero currencies in your portfolio, CryptFolio calculates two values for the currency: your balance, and your inventory.
Accessing your balances
Visit the portfolio that you wish to view the balances for, and click on the Balances link in the top right of your portfolio.
The balance for a currency is the sum of all of the balances in each of your portfolio accounts.
For example, if you had two accounts with the following
How do I export my Litecoin addresses from Litecoin Core?
To export your Litecoin addresses from Litecoin Core safely, follow these steps:
Exporting your Received Addresses as CSV
1. Open up your Litecoin Core application.
2. In the main menu, select File > Receiving addresses...
3. Here you will see all of the addresses you have created to receive transactions. Click on the "Export" button to save these addresses as a CSV file.
Uploading the CSV file to your portfolio
1. Go into your CryptFolio and Configure the portfolio you wish to add the addresses to.
2. Click on the "Address" button to add a collection of addresses.
3. Select
Migration from old.cryptfolio.com
On 12 February 2018, we switched the old CryptFolio to https://old.cryptfolio.com, and our new site is now running fulltime.
What new features are there?
The new site represents a new infrastructure and design philosophy: one which will help us add more features, scale out further, and support more devices.
- A new, modern interface, supporting mobile devices and tablets
- A new support center (which you're reading right now!)
- Adding an address or account automatically populates the full account history
- Support for 1700+ currencies and tokens, including Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and more
- New exchanges and wallets, including Binance, Kucoin and CoinMarketCap
- Multiple
How does CryptFolio deal with conflicting currency codes?
Most currencies, whether cryptocurrency or fiat, have unique codes (e.g. "BTC", "LTC") across all wallets and exchanges.
We enforce this uniqueness in CryptFolio; we do not permit any of our tracked currencies to share a single currency code reference.
For exchanges that use differing internal codes (e.g. Kraken uses XXBT for Bitcoin BTC), CryptFolio maintains an internal code-to-currency mapping.
We also enforce that all codes must be lowercase. Special characters and/or UTF-8 codes (e.g. emoji) are fine.
In the case of a conflicting or different currency code, our policies are:
- An existing ISO4217 fiat code has priority over any cryptocurrency
Portfolio Converted Value table
This table displays the latest value of your portfolio, converted into each of your reporting currencies.
For each account, address and offset in your portfolio, the balances, history and transactions are summed up for each currency, and converted with the closing (composite) rate for each day.
The table includes the percentage change of each value over the last week.
If you are looking for a chart displaying your historical portfolio value, consider the Converted Value chart. If you are looking for a table with the raw balance for each currency, consider the Portfolio Balances table.
How do I add my Kiwi-Coin account?
To add your Kiwi-Coin account to your CryptFolio, follow these steps: NOTE: Kiwi-Coin does not provide a safe way to access your trades through API – you will need to import them by uploading a CSV file of your trades. Creating a Kiwi-Coin API Key 1. Log into your Kiwi-Coin account, and visit your Account page. 2. Visit your API page.
3. Here you will see a list of all of your API keys. Click the Add new API-key button to create a new API key. 4. Make sure that the new API key does not have the Allow trade
What methods can I use to purchase an account?
As at 3 February 2018, you can use the following cryptocurrencies to pay for your CryptFolio account, thanks to Coinpayments.net:
- BTC Bitcoin
- LTC Litecoin
- BCH Bitcoin Cash
- BLK BlackCoin
- DASH Dash
- DCR Decred
- DGB DigiByte
- DOGE Dogecoin
- ETC Ethereum Classic
- ETH Ethereum
- EXP Expanse
- GAME GameCredits
- LSK Lisk
- POT PotCoin
- SYS SysCoin 2.1
- VTC Vertcoin
- WAVES Waves
- XVG Verge
Alternatively, you can use your credit card to pay for your CryptFolio account, thanks to Stripe. We support:
- Mastercard
- American Express
Portfolio Balances table
This table displays the latest balances for each currency in your portfolio. This includes all currencies that have a non-zero balance in your portfolio – not just your reporting currencies.
For each account, address and offset in your portfolio, the balances, history and transactions are summed up for each currency. The table includes the percentage change of each balance over the last week.
If you are looking for a chart displaying the historical balances for each currency, consider the Balances History chart. If you would like to see the converted value of each balance into another currency, consider the Portfolio
How do I add my Cryptopia account?
Cryptopia does not yet support creating safe, read-only API keys for user accounts. Consequently we only support Cryptopia accounts if you export your transactions to CSV, and import these CSV files into your CryptFolio account. To add your Cryptopia account to your CryptFolio, follow these steps: Exporting Cryptopia CSV files 1. Log into your Cryptopia account, and visit your Account page. 2. Visit each of your Deposit History, Withdraw History, and Trade History pages. 3. On each of these pages, there will be a button to download your transactions as a CSV file. 4. Save the generated CSV file to
What are the numeric limitations of CryptFolio?
Other than the plan limits imposed by your current subscription level, all accounts in CryptFolio have the following limits:
- Minimum account, address or offset balance stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e-9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places
- Maximum account, address or offset balance stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e+9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places
- Minimum portfolio summary stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e-9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places
- Maximum portfolio summary stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e+9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places
(This can mean that, in some cases, you may not get
Exchange chart
This candlestick chart displays the historical exchange rates for a given exchange pair, on a given exchange, over a given period. The rates are displayed as standard OHLC candlesticks.
You can add the exchange chart for any of our supported exchange pairs to your portfolio – not just the exchange pairs that include one of your reporting currencies.
Depending on the time period selected, the resolution of the data (each candlestick) will change:
- For time periods less than 30 days, the resolution will be hourly.
- For time periods less than 365 days, the resolution will be daily (the default).
- Otherwise,
Supported External API formats
CryptFolio supports External APIs (also known as Generic APIs) that list balances.
The URL for the External API must be accessible over HTTP or HTTPS. If HTTPS, then the SSL certificate must be valid.
The reported balances need to be in one of these formats:
- A single number - the default currency for that API will be used
- balances-text.txt example
- A JSON file with a hash of "currency": "balance"
- balances-json.json example
- A JSON file with an array of { currency, balance/value } keys
- balances-json2.json example
- A CSV file with headers of "balance/value" and "currency"
- balances-csv.csv example
- balances-csv2.csv example
If you
- A single number - the default currency for that API will be used
Equivalent Distribution chart
This pie chart displays the latest account distribution of all currencies in your portfolio, in terms of a given target currency. This includes all currencies in your portfolio, not just your reporting currencies. The target currency must be one of your reporting currencies.
For example, the above chart shows a portfolio consisting of 52% USD, 45% LTC, and the remainder consisting of BCH and other currencies – if all balances were converted into USD today.
If you are looking for the distribution of the balances of a particular currency in your portfolio, consider the Currency Distribution chart.
How do I add my ANXPRO account?
To add your ANXPRO account to your CryptFolio, follow these steps: Creating a ANXPRO API Key 1. Log into your ANXPRO account, and visit your Settings page. 2. Visit your API page.
3. Here you will see a list of all of your API keys. Click the button to create a new API key. 4. A new API key will be created. You will be shown the new key and secret – you must copy the secret for the next step. Make sure that the key does not have the Move Funds or Place and Manage Orders permissions before clicking
How are new transactions merged into existing transactions?
When CryptFolio updates one of your accounts or addresses automatically, through an API key or public address, we update existing transactions, and leave other transactions alone.
If two transactions have the same reference, value, currency, and date, then we consider them to be the same - and we will update the transaction with any additional information available (e.g. fee).
Since different public explorers for addresses often have different times for a transaction (often differing by only a couple of seconds, based on when the explorer received and processed the transaction), we consider two address transaction dates to be the same
Currency Distribution chart
This pie chart displays the latest account distribution for a currency in your portfolio. The target currency must be one of your reporting currencies.
For example, the above chart shows a portfolio holding 96% of their Bitcoin in their Cex.io account, with the remainder in their Kraken account.
If you are looking for the distribution of the value of each currency in your portfolio, consider the Equivalent Distribution chart.