What methods can I use to purchase an account?
As at 3 February 2018, you can use the following cryptocurrencies to pay for your CryptFolio account, thanks to Coinpayments.net:
- BTC Bitcoin
- LTC Litecoin
- BCH Bitcoin Cash
- BLK BlackCoin
- DASH Dash
- DCR Decred
- DGB DigiByte
- DOGE Dogecoin
- ETC Ethereum Classic
- ETH Ethereum
- EXP Expanse
- GAME GameCredits
- LSK Lisk
- POT PotCoin
- SYS SysCoin 2.1
- VTC Vertcoin
- WAVES Waves
- XVG Verge
Alternatively, you can use your credit card to pay for your CryptFolio account, thanks to Stripe. We support:
- Mastercard
- American Express