How balances are calculated
For each of your portfolios, CryptFolio provides you with a balance and inventory view of all of your currencies.
For each of the reporting currencies and non-zero currencies in your portfolio, CryptFolio calculates two values for the currency: your balance, and your inventory.
Accessing your balances
Visit the portfolio that you wish to view the balances for, and click on the Balances link in the top right of your portfolio.
The balance for a currency is the sum of all of the balances in each of your portfolio accounts.
For example, if you had two accounts with the following balances:
Account | Balance |
Bitstamp | 1.0 BTC |
Bitcoin address | 2.0 BTC |
Your BTC balance would be calculated as 3.0 BTC.
By clicking on the Balance link, you can view the Currency Balances report for your portfolio in that currency. This report breaks down the total balance by account, so you can see which accounts are contributing which balances to your total portfolio balance.
You can also select a specific Trial Balance date to view all of the balances in your portfolio at a specific date.
The inventory for a currency is a sum of all of the transactions in each of your portfolio accounts, that have a transaction type specified.
For example, if you had one accounts with the following transactions:
Txn ID | Amount | Txn Type |
#1 | + 1.0 BTC | Purchase |
#2 | - 0.5 BTC | Sale |
#3 | + 2.0 BTC | (none) |
The inventory balance would be 1.0 - 0.5 = 0.5 BTC, because transaction #3 would not be included in the inventory.
By clicking on the Inventory link, you can view the Inventory report for your portfolio in that currency.
You can also select a specific Trial Balance date to view all of the balances in each of your accounts for that currency at a specific date.
Verifying Balance and Inventory
You can independently verify the balances and inventories provided by CryptFolio, and this might be a useful part of your record-keeping process.
To verify your balance, visit the balances page for that currency, and independently sum up the values per currency.
To verify your inventory, you can download all of the transactions for each of your individual accounts as CSV, discard transactions that have no transaction type, and sum up the values per currency.