User data provided in migration export files
If you have chosen to request a copy of your user data, you will receive a .zip file with all of your account information.
This includes ALL of your addresses, accounts, offsets, notifications, keys, secrets, and all of the historical balances we had downloaded for the account. Each table is provided as a CSV file, allowing you to open it up in software such as Excel. With a bit of manipulation, you can import this data into your own openclerk instance, if you have chosen not to continue using CryptFolio.
We cannot provide general support for integrating this information into third-party tools, but we can recommend you get community support from the openclerk GitHub repository.
You will also receive a cryptfolio.json file, which consists of the information that we have used to migrate your user account into our new site. This includes all of your addresses, accounts, offsets, keys and secrets – but only the latest balances, and no historical data.