Knowledge Base: Migration

  • How does the Supporter discount work?

    If your account has the exclusive Supporter discount of 5%, you will be able to enjoy 5% off all of your future subscriptions to the platform.

    This discount applies before tax, but replaces any promo codes that you might also be using. If you have added a promo code that you no longer want to apply to your subscription, you can click Clear to remove it.

  • Deleting your migrated account

    When your account has been migrated, you will receive an email allowing you to either use the new platform, or to delete your migrated account.

    If you would like to delete your migrated account, you may either request deletion by clicking on the link in your migration email, or by logging into your account and vising Your Profile.

    You will be shown a form to confirm that you wish to delete your account. You will need to type in "confirm" and click the big red button to confirm deletion. Deletion occurs automatically by one of our background workers, and you

  • How does the Adopter discount work?

    If your account has the exclusive Adopter discount of 10%, you will be able to enjoy 10% off all of your future subscriptions to the platform.

    This discount applies before tax, but replaces any promo codes that you might also be using. If you have added a promo code that you no longer want to apply to your subscription, you can click Clear to remove it.

  • How old accounts are migrated

    If you had an account set up, then when your account is migrated, we will do our best at importing all of your old account data into the new CryptFolio.

    Merging accounts

    If you have an existing CryptFolio account with the same email as your migrated account, then we will update your new account with your old signup date and account name.

    Otherwise, we will create a new user account for you, with your original email and account name. This is the email address that we will have sent the "Your new CryptFolio account is ready!" email to.


  • User data provided in migration export files

    If you have chosen to request a copy of your user data, you will receive a .zip file with all of your account information.

    This includes ALL of your addresses, accounts, offsets, notifications, keys, secrets, and all of the historical balances we had downloaded for the account. Each table is provided as a CSV file, allowing you to open it up in software such as Excel. With a bit of manipulation, you can import this data into your own openclerk instance, if you have chosen not to continue using CryptFolio.

    We cannot provide general support for integrating this information

  • Migration from

    On 12 February 2018, we switched the old CryptFolio to, and our new site is now running fulltime.

    What new features are there?

    The new site represents a new infrastructure and design philosophy: one which will help us add more features, scale out further, and support more devices.

    • A new, modern interface, supporting mobile devices and tablets
    • A new support center (which you're reading right now!)
    • Adding an address or account automatically populates the full account history
    • Support for 1700+ currencies and tokens, including Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and more
    • New exchanges and wallets, including Binance, Kucoin and CoinMarketCap
    • Multiple