Are API imports limited to last 50 transactions?

Hi. I have been desperately looking for a non-phone app Cryptocurrency portfolio tracker that allows the import of previous trades from major exchanges.  I don't see where CSV files from those exchanges can be uploaded, so I created the necessary API keys in hopes they would work.  My Bittrex API is still "loading" after 15 hours, but since I'm just trying to test on a free account this may be normal. I have noticed that when I view the transactions that are already uploaded from Binance and Coinbase, the screen seems to be limited to only the most recent 50 transactions.  Is this correct, or will I be able to import my entire trade history? Is a manual import of the entire trade history possible if the API won't call it? 

Also, is there any support for GDAX trades? Coinbase and GDAX are the same company, but they have two distinct transaction histories.

Thanks in advance.  I'm really hoping you guys will work out for me.

2 replies

Hi, thank you for your message, and I hope we'll work out for you too!

API imports are limited to how many the third party will provide at once - this is normally between 100 and 2000. We request as many as the API will provide.

At the moment we only display the first 50 transactions on an account page, in the future you'll be able to browse through pages of transactions. In the meantime, you can download the transactions by CSV to check that they're all there.

We're also planning to support uploading CSVs of transactions, so if a third party API doesn't provide all of them to us, you'll be able to upload/update the transactions manually.

All of these features will be part of our upcoming tax reporting release!

Re Bittrex: We'll look into that issue this morning. It shouldn't take 15 hours. You can also contact support@cryptfolio.com and we can continue the conversation there.

Re GDAX: We would love to support GDAX, but we need help to get an API key for testing. If you'd be willing to take some screenshots of the process, and can share a read-only API key with us for testing, we'd love to add GDAX support immediately!

Bittrex update: We recently updated our Bittrex importer to import transactions, but we hadn't updated the web interface to reflect this, so the Bittrex worker was trying to continually redownload balances. This has now been fixed. Your Bittrex account should now be importing without any issues. Let us know if the issue persists. Thank you!

Thanks for the response.  Yes, the Bittrex import has now concluded. 

I have a couple of concerns, but I'll email them to you as requested.  

You're now able to browse through all transactions in any account using page navigation at the bottom of the transactions table.