How do I add my Vircurex account?

To add your Vircurex account to your CryptFolio, follow these steps:

Creating a Vircurex API Key

1. Log into your Vircurex account, and visit your Settings page.

2. Visit the API menu.

3. Create a new API key, with a secret phrase that you need to enter in. You will need to remember this secret phrase in the next step. Make sure that only the Get Balance permission is enabled.

4. Your new API key will now be active, and ready to add to CryptFolio.

Adding the Vircurex API key to your portfolio

1. Go into your CryptFolio and Configure the portfolio you wish to add the account to.

2. Click on the "Exchange" button to add a new Vircurex account.

3. Enter in your Vircurex username and the secret key you previously assigned to the Get Balance API key.

4. Click "Add Account". CryptFolio will now download the balances from your Vircurex account.

5. You're done!

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