What are the numeric limitations of CryptFolio?

Other than the plan limits imposed by your current subscription level, all accounts in CryptFolio have the following limits:

  • Minimum account, address or offset balance stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e-9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places
  • Maximum account, address or offset balance stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e+9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places
  • Minimum portfolio summary stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e-9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places
  • Maximum portfolio summary stored (balance, transaction or history): 1e+9 per currency, up to 9 decimal places

(This can mean that, in some cases, you may not get accurate portfolio values if you are trying to convert a high-value portfolio into a low-value currency, such as Dogecoin.)

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